Overwatch/Patch (undocumented changes)

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Release dateNovember 2, 2015;
8 years ago
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Patch Patch
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Patches category, Overwatch

Overwatch patch is the second minor patch since the start of the Overwatch closed beta.


  • Hero XP and leveling has been removed.
  • Battlenet friends you are queued with will have green nameplates and arrows above their Hero models in game and on the Hero selection screen (instead of the normal blue color).
  • Doing stuff that gains "Fire" toward your "Fire" bar will now show how much "fire" you gain toward it. These things include: healing, blocking damage, eliminations, capturing points, and moving the payload. (EDIT: Hopefully that's more clear now.)



  • Configuration: Tank damage increased to 190 per shot (up from 175).


  • Falcon Rocket Launcher can no longer headshot.

Soldier: 76

  • Helix Rockets can no longer headshot.


  • Photon Shield cooldown decreased to 8 seconds. (down from 10 seconds)
  • Teleporter now holds 6 charges. (down from 10 charges)


  • She's had a graphical update on her worldmodel, specifically her face and visor.

Map changes

  • Watchpoint: Gibraltar: WP:G now has three +2:00 minuted payload checkpoints instead of two +3:00 minutes checkpoints. The new checkpoint was added between the beginning payload point and the checkpoint before the hangar. The new checkpoint is underneath the bridge that devs call "the carwash".
  • Hanamura: The area behind Capture Point A was redesigned to prevent the defending team from easily sniping and dealing long range damage to the attacking team at their second spawn point entrance. Added walls to the perimeter of the balcony behind Capture Point A.
  • Temple of Annubis: The right attacking side of Capture Point B was redesigned to allow Heroes without additional movement abilities to more easily scale the wall. Added steps to allow normal jumping and scaling.