Frequently asked questions

From Atlas Industries
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This article list Frequently asked questions that users may ask Atlas Industries about.

Patch versions

To provide better communication with our users, we would like to inform our community about the various methods used to update our software. The following are the four major methods of updating the software:

  • Content patchX.0.0.0 – The content patch introduces major additions and/or changes to the software. This includes new features.
  • Major patch0.X.0.0 – A major patch introduces major additions and/or changes to the software. This may include new features and/or just major improvements to current features.
  • Minor patch0.0.X.0 – A minor patch is almost identical to a hotfix, with the exception that a minor patch includes a batch of hotfixes.
  • Hotfix0.0.0.X – A hotfix is a change made to the software after a recent version was released to fix any major issues caught after the release.

We hope that this information provides more insight to our users regarding the update process, and in the future, we will use this guideline in order to keep our users informed on our software update process.