Blizzard app/Patch 1.9.0

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Patch 1.9.0
Blizzard app
Release dateSeptember 22, 2017;
6 years ago
Initial build9397
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Patches category, Blizzard app

Blizzard app patch 1.9.0 ...

Feature Updates

We made some updates to how you sort friends and other settings on your friends list:

  • "Group Favorites" Setting: Group all favorited friends together rather than being mixed throughout your friends list.
  • "Sort by Activity" Setting: Friends will be grouped together when playing the same game or in rather than sorted alphabetically.
  • Showing and Hiding Offline Friends: You now have more control over how offline friends are displayed in your friends list.

We also added chat history to make it easier to keep a conversation going.

  • Closing no longer clears chats messages with friends. Messages will now be stored for 28 days.

Last but not least, emoji support is here!

  • Feeling spunky, giddy, cranky, or any other emotion? Try copy and pasting emoji into chat messages!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing users from initializing Streaming on beta builds.
  • Fixed a bug that caused games to sort incorrectly.
  • Hearthstone will no longer become unresponsive in certain circumstances when Streaming is enabled.